Icon Trends That Will Gain Emphasis This Year
![Icon Trends That Will Gain Emphasis This Year](https://www.dreamlogodesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/icon-trends-755x290.jpg)
The icon design industry has come along a very long way over a past few decades to reach new heights. As in most of the time, the startups and entrepreneurs require it to do branding of their services. Attractive Icons usually push the image of the company. It has the ability to make your brand name immortal in the hearts of millions. That is the reason why it keeps on changing with time. It has evolved a lot over a past few years to make your brand look apart and distinct from others.
So let's see what are the most recent icon trends that are going to be used this year 2017:-
Complementary color gradients
Gradients are making a comeback in user interfaces, particularly in the field of icons despite their popularity of flat design. As the harsh linear gradients are losing its popularity. So again complementary color gradient make its mark in the industry to uplift a brand image.
Hand Drawn Icons
In one form or the other the hand-drawn iconography has come and gone over the last few decades. A number of designers have proved time & again that hand-drawn icons can be the most effective means to communicate your business message if it is being executed skillfully. As these icons able to provide a satisfying contrast to the clean and structured layout of an interface.
Staggered Gradients
Staggered gradients are very recent trends which are used at an increasing rate today. As it is the combination of smooth gradients with brighter staggered gradients which provides in-depth visual interest. That is the reason why staggered gradients are the most demanded design icon to be used by the brand.
Stars & speckles
It is the most prevailing icon trends which are practiced today. As styling of icons is done with subtle surrounding shapes. As U I designers find more & More creative ways to implement this effect as it is continuously gracing icon design industry in 2017.
It is the simplest form, as this trend includes adding depth through subtle shadows, bright impactful colors, and overlapping elements. To make your icon interesting and appealing towards the target audience.